Dear cricketers, 

On behalf of the board, I would like to invite you to the General Members’ Meeting (GMM) on Sunday 21 February 2021 at 2 pm. Initially we had planned a GMM in March, hoping that it could be held in the Cricket Pavilion. Given the current circumstances, however, we are preparing for a digital ALV. 

Main agenda points

  • Financial report 2020 and budget 2021. 
  • Proposed board changes: Ulrich Oron (chairman) steps down, Hans Haanappel joins (treasurer). Eelko Stembord steps down as treasurer but remains on the board. Guido Cramer takes up the role as chairman. 

Sign Up
To participate in the ALV you must register. Please do so by by sending an email to .  

You can register up to Wednesday 17 February
After registration you will receive the other documents from the GMM.

Kind regards, 

Ulrich Oron 
Voorzitter a.i. SV Kampong Cricket