Dear members,

As promised, the board would come back to you about the consequences of the renewed measures by the government now that the number of COVID19 infections increases again.

Below the main consequences, details will follow.


The clubhouse will remain closed for the next 3 weeks.


Training can proceed but with limitations

  • In order to comply with the measures, it has been decided to limit the number of training members to 15 people.
  • A classification will be made for this, taking into account competitive and recreational cricketers. The exact approach for enrollment and classification will be announced tomorrow.

Youth training can also proceed, with limitations: parents / spectators are not allowed during training.

  • Do not stay at the club after training, go home immediately.
  • If you have symptoms (flue-like, coughing, sneezing, fever): stay at home!
  • Keep your distance and do not shake hands

Kind regards,

On behalf of the Board,
Ulrich Oron, Chairman