De KNCB maakte op vrijdag 16 oktober 2020 de diverse selecties bekend voor de wintertraining 2020-2021. De KNCB heeft net als de andere sportbonden ontheffing voor de topsport om te kunnen doortrainen ondanks alle corona-maatregelen.
In de Academy Squad zijn maar liefst drie leden van het eerste mannen elftal van Kampong opgenomen. Het zijn Pierre Jacod, Kertan Nana en Alex Roy. Ook oud-Kampongspeler Aryan Dutt maakt deel uit van deze trainingsgroep.
Zij gaan trainen onder leiding van de nationale coach Ryan Campbell, oud-aanvoerder Peter Borren en James Hilditch, de assistent-coach van het nationale team.
“The Academy, who will work with James Hilditch, Peter Borren & myself is brim full of exciting talent and we are looking forward to working with these guys over winter. Shariz Ahmad gets his first selection after impressing everyone in the U/18s versus the KNCB U/23s matches. His legspin and batting are really exciting. He is joined in the squad by fellow National U/19s players Aryan Dutt & Pierre Jacod as well as former U/19s players Boris Gorlee, Niels Etman & Arnav Jain. Etman is a really exciting all rounder who is an outstanding athlete. Our commitment to push our players through our National Pathway is as strong as it has ever been and our future looks in good shape.”, Campbell said.
Academy squad
Pierre Jacod (Kampong), Musa Nadeem (HCC), Aryan Dutt (VCC), Boris Gorlee (HCC), Tim de Kok (VOC), Niels Etman (Excelsior ’20), Kertan Nana (Kampong), Alex Roy (Kampong), Shariz Ahmed (Groen en Wit), Arnav Jain (VOC).